Free Food Samples from Bunch

Samples Time! Are you familiar with the Bunch concept?

For those of you who don’t know what Bunch is, it’s a testing members’ community that is grown by members and supported by Woolworths.

Thanks to Bunch, you can get a whole lot of great food to try without paying a cent. Examples of what we are talking about include:

  • Woolworths salted caramel ice cream
  • Tasty Nutritious Michelle Bridges beef & tomato casserole
  • Jamie Oliver lemon pepper smashin chicken fillets

How does the Bunch concept work? How can I get FREE food samples?

In order to request free samples, you need to respect the following steps:

  1. Join the Bunch Community
  2. Select a FREE sample
  3. Pick up your sample at the store along with scanning your Woolworths Rewards card
  4. Test the offered sample and give your opinion about it online

Please, keep in mind that the higher the number of your participations, the higher the number of products you will be selected to test!

If you wish to request further samples, we highly recommend you look at the following offers:

Go Go Go! The offers are valid until supplies last!

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