About us

We’re a group of 3 friends: Erin, Theresa, and myself, Julia. At one point in our lives, our finances went downhill, and we were in big trouble! We thought about cutting down, but it was hard; you know how it is, when you’re used to living a certain way.

It wasn’t until we discovered how other people save money that we finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel…and it was not an on-coming train ;)

So we decided to start a website and be that “light” for other people in crisis, like we were. That was when Free Samples Australia was born. In the beginning, it was more about trying out products before wasting money on the full-size versions; hence the initial name. Later on, it became more about saving money in general; i.e. using coupons, looking for hot deals, participating in contests and giveaways!

Free Samples Australia