
A FREE month’s worth of vegan brownies from Kez’s Kitchen & Vegan Foods Melbourne

Ready? Set! WIN! 

Today we have taught about two categories of people: gluten-free people and brownies lovers.

Vegan Foods Melbourne, one of Australia’s best vegan food entities, is collaborating with the famous brand Kez’s Kitchen to give a FREE month’s worth of their vegan brownies.

Therefore, the prize to be offered is composed of Gluten-Free Chewy Flourless Fudgy Chocolate Brownies packs. Each bag contains SIX pieces of 35g pieces of heaven.

Made with 100% natural ingredients, such as cocoa, dates, coconut, and cashews, these brownies are completely free of refined sugar and are both gluten-free and dairy-free.

A set of chocolate brownies to enjoy while watching your favorite series or movie during this quarantine period? I wouldn’t ask for more!

Maybe you can enjoy it with some beer or some cocktails! In case you want that, you can either have a look at our Tooheys Beer Freebie or the Cocktail Mixer one.

This contest is open only to Australian residents. One single winner will be selected by the 22nd of April 2020 at 5 pm.

A participant can enter as much as he or she wants to, with the condition of tagging various different accounts each time you re-enter.

We will good luck to all possible entrants and participants! You guys all deserve chocolate brownies!


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