Super easy and healthy One Pot Pasta recipe

It was already known that it is possible to cook pasta by absorption.

With One Pot Pasta, we go further because we put absolutely all the ingredients in one pan, including pasta.

We add broth and ten minutes later, it’s ready. Besides, we don’t even need to drain the pasta. Great, right?

Ingredients (For 2 people)

180 g of pasta

45 cl of vegetable broth or poultry

1 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of black pepper

1 onion

1 zucchini

1 carrot

1 tbsp of tomato paste

12 cherry tomatoes

Parmesan to serve

STEP 1: Put everything in the pan
Add the pasta and remaining ingredients to the pan.

STEP 2: The broth and ceasoning
Add the broth, salt, pepper and light the fire over medium heat. You can add other spices if you want.

STEP 3: Shuffle
Mix once or twice during cooking, the liquid should boil.

STEP 4: It’s ready !
Cooking takes about ten minutes. Mix and serve with the chipped parmesan cheese.

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