Easy Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster!

1 – Use a conditioner every time you wash your hair.

A conditioner brings lipids and proteins into the body of the hair. It fixes the hair to prevent breaks in order to keep hair longer.

2 – Apply weekly an oily mask or care.

Because semi-long hair is several years old, it needs more than just a shampoo. We suggest using masks and moisturizing oils every week.

3 – Consider supplements to boost hair.

Before you start taking dietary supplements, it is advisable to see with your doctor to ensure you regular amounts, and that these tablets do not interfere with other medicines that you take in parallel.

4 -Brush your hair gently.

When you untangle your wet hair, begin by combing the tips before climbing the lengths. We instinctively go from the scalp down, but this gesture knots and can cause you to lose a lot of hair.

5 – Forget your cotton pillowcase

We recommend switching to a satin material, because the surface of this fabric is softer. Unlike cotton, the satin will prevent the hair from rubbing . You will then wake up with fewer knots.

6 – Never wrap your hair in a towel.

Opt for thin, soft microfibre towels for your hair. You can then put your hair in a turban without damaging them.

7 – Rinse the hair with cold water when leaving the shower.

Cold water fixes the outer layer of the hair more gently. It helps to prevent dry hair, addicts and damage caused by heat. Just pass them under cold water for a few seconds. This step can make a big difference over time. “

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