That’s How You Make Your Own Terrarium!

It has become the must have decoration of the moment. Jars, lanterns, , teapots, glasses ..

Make your imagination and your creativity work! You live in an apartment & you do not have a green space? The terrarium is therefore made for you.

It is a good way to bring a little greenery to your home without having to pamper your plants every day.

Here is how you can make your own terrarium

What you will need:

– 1 pair of gardening gloves
– 1 clear glass jar
– soil, sand or gravel
– a little Helxine
– small potted plants

Step 1: Choose your container

To make a terrarium, grab a glass container with an opening that is large enough to put your plants inside. You can choose any shape of glass: pot of jam, vase, old aquarium, jar …

Step 2: Prepare the soil

Place a layer of potting soil (1/4 of the container to be filled approximately). The soil must not exceed 1/3 of the container.

Step 3: Choose your plants

The plants you choose should keep a small size and grow slowly. You can choose from several types of Succulent plants or wet plants (mosses, ferns, etc.)

Step 4: Position your plant

Grab a small plant and transplant it. Prune the roots to prevent them from growing & twisting around the plant. Do not be afraid of removing them, this will guarantee a good growth of the plant in its new environment. Place the plant in the soil. Be sure to fill your pots so you don’t leave “holes”

Step 5: Watering

For watering, use a sprayer: do not over water & do not hesitate to touch the ground to check if it’s wet.
The trick: To avoid having to water your plant too often, you can put it in a shady spot. This will limit the number of watering sessions required.

Step 6: Where to place it?

You need to know that a terrarium is sensitive to cold.
It is therefore preferable to put is close to a window without directly exposing it the sun.

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