This is why you Should Clean your Vehicle Regularly

According to many studies, An individual person spends more than an hour per day on his/her car. Having said this, it’s the place where we spend the majority of time after home and the workplace. Therefore, it is should be as clean as possible, in order not to turn out into a COVID-19 contamination source. Indeed, even if this happens, nothing is going to happen to your car! However, you are the one who will ultimately be affected, since you will need to touch everything on the car to be able to make it move.

To remove any kind of viruses or germs from the interior of your car, we highly recommend the use of hand sanitizers as well as disinfecting wipes. The idea is that one should be focalizing on the high-touch parts of the car or the areas that the driver has to contact on a regular basis. An example would be the steering wheel, which is the area that we actually touch from the moment we get in the car until we leave it. Therefore, it’s one of the most common spots for germs and bacteria. So, one should be spending more time cleaning this spot and every other part surrounding it using alcohol to make sure that he or she gets rid of all the viruses that may have stuck to that area.

On the other hand, one should not forget about other important areas of the car, such as the cupholder, the air conditioner, the driver’s side door handle, the display screens, and the console armrest. You can use disinfecting wipes to clean out these as well. And… Believe me, you will be surprised by the amount of dirtiness your wipes will be holding after that! Do not forget to clean your car keys as much as you clean your hands too.

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